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Academic Planning, Research, Statistics and ICT




The Department of Academic Planning, Research, Statistics, and ICT (APRS & ICT) was one of the departments created because of the restructuring of the Board.



APRS&ICT Department is made up of three divisions, namely:


(i) Academic Planning Division: The Academic Planning division of the department comprises three units which are: Academic Planning unit, Publications unit and the Library and Information unit.


(ii) Research and Statistics Division: The Research and Statistics division of the department comprises of two units which are: Research Unit and Statistics Unit


(iii) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Division: The Information and Communication Technology division of the department comprises of two units which are: Software Development Unit and Hardware, Networking and Maintenance Unit


(iv) SIWES Unit: Co-ordination of Industrial Attachment of polytechnic students in collaboration with ITF.





To plan, coordinate, implement and drive the Federal Government’s policies and NBTE’s mandate on the TVET sector in a manner that is effective and efficient, quality driven, and responsive to the needs of the individual, industry, government, and other stakeholders. 


MISSION STATEMENT                                      

To assist management in formulation of guidelines, policies and procedures in the planning and monitoring of policy implementation towards the achievement of NBTE goals and objectives.



The functions of the Academic Planning, Research, Statistics, and ICT Department are:


(i) Development and analysis of academic plan/ briefs for development of Polytechnics.


(ii) Guiding and coordinating the development and periodic review of Strategic plans of NBTE and Polytechnics.


(iii) Monitoring of curriculum delivery in Polytechnics.


(iv) Undertaking tracer studies and liaison with industries on the efficacy and relevance of Polytechnic Programmes.


(v) Liaison with National Planning Commission and other relevant agencies to determine technological manpower needs of the nation and appropriate sensitization of Polytechnics.


(vi) Collecting, collating and management of data on staff, students, and facilities, as well as recurrent and capital expenditures of Nigerian Polytechnics.


(vii) Monitoring the state and development of Polytechnic Libraries and instructional resource centers.


(viii) Publication and dissemination of information on polytechnic resources, programmes, and developments.


(ix) Co-ordination of Industrial Attachment of polytechnic students.


(x) Co-ordination and promotion of Research and innovation in polytechnics.

(xi) Popularization of use of ICT in curriculum delivery and other management and professional functions of the Board; and


(xii) Processing of application for license for private polytechnics and other relevant Institutions.


(xiii) Institutional Ranking of tertiary TVET institutions under NBTE purview with the full approval and cooperation of management, will introduce new dimension to the Board’s regulatory activities. The introduction and implementation of a sector-wide process of ranking of these institutions in the country will represent a major quality assurance and efficiency-assessment mechanism. The basis for the introduction of ranking among the institutions is to among others: provide the public with information on the standing of these institutions for individual and group decision-making, to foster healthy competition among the institutions, to stimulate the evolution of centres of excellence among the institutions and to provide additional rationale for allocation of funds/grants.


(xiv) Co-ordinate the publication of Directory of Accredited programmes



The objective of the department is to effectively perform the functions of the Board as they relate to the department. Therefore, in the next Five (5) years, the department will focus on the following:


I. Develop capacity for Polytechnics staff in academic planning, research, innovation and ICT.


II. Develop e-learning resources through the establishment of virtual libraries in NBTE and Polytechnics.


III. Organize the biennial Technology EXPOs to showcase projects and prototypes and national skills competition amongst students in the Polytechnics.

IV. Increase opportunities for student access and success through adequate monitoring and institutional academic plans.


V. Improve statistical data collection and verification by the introduction of more measures/sanctions to erring and non-cooperating institutions.


VI. Acquire necessary ICT hardware and software for the effective function of the Board.


VII. Build Capacity of NBTE and Polytechnic staff in ICT in line with the FME Policy on ICT in Education. 


VIII. Carry out ranking of institutions in order to promote healthy competition amongst them in the areas of programmes upgrade, improvement of teaching and learning environment and staff development among others.


IX. Coordinate the SIWES programme in an effective and efficient manner and to ensure that students and employers derive the maximum benefits of the scheme.


X. Sustain the existing culture of research and publication by coordinating the process of publishing the Board’s major academic and research journals.


Aliyu M. Lemu

Ag. Director, Academic Planning, Research, Statistics & ICT